The latest version of the Aymestrey Traffic Calming Proposals can be viewed here.
Traffic Calming Group – Update

The latest version of the Aymestrey Traffic Calming Proposals can be viewed here.
We have now viewed and analysed all the data (both pseudo-scientific and SIDS). We have researched in great detail traffic calming measures that work/don’t work. We have debated at length what we would like to propose for Aymestrey. We have presented our ideas to the Parish Council and won their approval. So the next phase is:
The Traffic Working Group
invites you
To a presentation and discussion of
Proposed Aymestrey Traffic Calming Measures
Aymestrey Parish Hall
Tuesday 4th April at 7pm.
We have based our proposed traffic calming measures on the Dorset Toolkit and information received from Herefordshire Council.
If any of you would like to look at the Dorset document for yourself then please have a look here
Things have moved on apace – the intrepid Traffic Calming Working Party has been very busy since the last Update.
So, for Phase 1 and adhering to the guidelines set out in the Dorset Toolkit (mentioned in the last Update), we have been carrying out an audit of Aymestrey village. This includes, mapping the existing signs, road markings, paving materials, footpaths, kerb details etc. We have also been surveying traffic numbers and traffic speeds. We’ve stood by the side of the road (at various points throughout the village and at various times of the day), and literally counted the traffic going north and south. We also ‘gauged’ whether each vehicle was going unacceptably fast or not and recorded all this information on a table.
In order to achieve some speed data we’ve had to rely on ‘educated guesses’, rather than anything more scientific. However, at this stage, this is what the Dorset toolkit recommends as a fairly easy way of building up a ‘Speed Profile’ of the traffic through the village. The Speed Profile also allows us to quickly identify where the “hot spots’ are – which means not just areas of really speeding traffic, but also difficult and potentially dangerous areas to Aymestrey villagers (like the Bacon Lane exit/entrance).
Our pseudo-scientific approach had 3 categories of speed – 1. Ok, 2. Fast and 3. Bat Out of Hell. The results have not been that surprising. The ‘Bat Out of Hell’ category has had many participants.
Please be assured that we will also be adding scientifically gathered data via the SIDS to this. The problem with the SIDS is that people slow down when they see the display, so it’s not always a true reflection of traffic speeds. Also our SIDS are only in 2 spots. When you all get a chance to look at the ‘educated guesses’ data we’ve gathered I don’t think anyone will disagree with our findings.
All this information has been transferred to maps/diagrams that show the existing profile of the village in terms of signs, footpaths etc., and another that shows the speeds of the traffic along with the hotspots. We’ve also included observations we’ve had such as ‘Northbound traffic speeds up on the brow of the bridge’.
The next phase is research on traffic calming measures already deployed in other villages along with boiling all that information down into some form of proposals. I will keep you posted on progress.
If any of you would like to look at the Dorset document for yourself then please have a look here
Alison Archer
November 2022
On many occasions I’ve watched the traffic zooming past my kitchen window (I live in The Corner House in Aymestrey – the last house on the A4110 heading North). We’ve lived here for the past 18 months and bought the house in spite of the fact it’s directly on an A-road. “The house is in a 30 speed limit” we thought, “How bad can that be?”. Ah.
The traffic frequently exceeds the 30 speed limit. Sometimes cars zoom past so fast they’re just a blur. And the noise can be awful, especially when the lorries mistake the stretch outside our house for a motorway.
So, you can imagine how pleased we were to learn our Parish Council was forming a Traffic Calming Working Party and I was even more delighted to be asked to join. Also, because I have a vested interest in the outcome, I have volunteered to update you all on how we are getting on, with regular reports in Aymestrey Matters.
The Working Party is newly formed and the only things we’ve achieved so far is to decide what needs to be done and how to go about doing it. We believe the first priorities in the parish are traffic calming measures along the A4110, particularly through Aymestrey village itself and the Mortimer’s Cross intersection.
With those areas in mind, we are taking as our guide, a document compiled by Dorset AONB Partnership entitled “Traffic in Villages”. The document is, effectively, a Tool kit or, indeed, a Roadmap that aims to:
“Stimulate fresh ideas and initiatives to inspire and encourage villages to enhance and conserve their unique and special character. Improve communities’ understanding of driver behaviour and the key influences on traffic speeds and build on ideas generated by a number of pilot projects, informed by best practice from the UK and elsewhere in mainland Europe.“
According to the Dorset Toolkit, our first task is to prepare a detailed Audit of our target areas. The Audit will cover, not only traffic patterns and speeds, but existing signs, road markings, paving materials, footpaths, kerb details etc. The information will then be added to maps to give us a much clearer picture of the current situation in Aymestrey and Mortimer’s Cross. The next phase then will be research into what has worked in other areas nationwide and the phase after that, having taken all our previous work into account, will be our proposals. Phase 1 is already underway and I shall endeavour to update you of our progress in the next issue of Aymestrey Matters. Please be assured that you will be given the opportunity to have your say, when appropriate, but at the moment we are fact-gathering, so bear with us.
If any of you would like to look at the Dorset document for yourself then please have a look online here
Alison Archer