
Postal Vote Handling

A message from Electoral Services received 11 April 2024.

“Tomorrow evening we will be posting out over 22 000 postal packs for the upcoming Police & Crime Commissioners Election.

New legislation will be in place for these elections regarding the handling of postal votes.

Most postal voters will post their completed postal ballot pack in a royal mail post box in the pre-paid envelope provided, but some people like to hand deliver them. The rules regarding hand delivery have now changed so we are trying to get the message out to the public regarding the following:

• You can only hand in your own postal vote, and those of up to 5 others
• You will need to complete a short ‘postal vote return’ form when hand delivering a postal vote
• Any postal votes that are left at any council offices without the form being completed will be rejected
• Any postal votes sent to us via couriers – including the council’s internal mail system will be rejected
• Any postal votes posted through any council building letterboxes will be rejected

People can now only hand deliver their postal votes to our office at Blueschool House (during opening hours from now until 10pm on polling day) or to their local polling station (between polling hours on polling day only).